Again, this may be a racist thought. Please let me know if I'm not thinking correctly here.

If your ancestors were slaves in America your people didn't ask to come here. You were forced here.

EVERYONE else in this country (except for the Native people we have basically pushed into concentration camps) chose to come here.

A person that leaves their family and everything they know is a certain kind of person. AND THEN, there were people that packed up their entire life on the east coast and migrated West. These are basically junkyard dogs. We're crazy. We give zero fucks what people think of us. We are going to do what we do when we want to do it. It's why, I think, we see most mass shootings happening at the hands of crazed white men. We are off our rockers.

The people that stormed the Capital are perfect examples of what an immigrant American is. We are more than happy to look like total assholes if we feel like we've been wronged.

In my friends whose ancestors were slaves I see a couple traits that I don't typically see in my European ancestor friends. People born from people of Western Africa who were forced here against their will often times have an incredible desire and need for respect and dignity.

RESPECT AND DIGNITY are blazingly apparent character traits I see in large portions of this population.

I'll often times hear African American woman ask: "Where are my kings!?" It's a sense of integrity that I simply don't see your typical European immigrant possessing. We aren't kings. We never were kings. In fact, we don't particularly like kings.

Ironically and tragically, respect and dignity are the very things we have perpetually stolen from slave descendants for the last 400 years.

I bring this up because I think White people believe that Black people who are participating in murderous crimes are hopeless and savage. I'd like to propose the opposite: All they want is to be treated with the respect they deserve. America ALWAYS steals the Black man's dignity. So, they lash out at the person next to them that treats them similarly.

Let me know what you think.